When I think about promotional products, my mind begins to swirl. Seriously. It might be because marketing is my “thing,” but it’s also because what some have considered cheap junk in the past are beginning to see the real value they can bring to a business – and it’s not all just giving things away. What your business gets in return is real – real like in dollars and cents real.
Just off the top of my head I see at least five ways you can use promotional products in your business to improve your business.
No. 1 – Promotional Products for Branding Consistency
Apparel is one of the easiest ways to bring a consistent branding appearance to your business. With the variety of clothing options from t-shirts to button-up shirts, skirts, sweaters, and aprons, you and your employees can provide a consistently crisp and attractive appearance – no matter what industry. I’m saying you don’t have to be a restaurant. No, even a tech company can require employees to wear a work shirt that is a red polo with your logo imprinted on it and black pants. Your logo and brand colors greet every client.
Likewise, if your business is one that performs outdoor services, jackets, fleeces, sweatshirts, gloves, and hats can all be branded for your company.
Apparel options are endless and you can control the way your customers see your company at their door.
No. 2 – Promotional Products to Stay Top of Mind and In Front of Your Customers
Where is your client or prospect when they contact you for business? If they are at their desk, provide them with a promotional product (with your branding, of course) that will stay on their desk and keep you and your company in their line of sight for a long time. What kind of items could that be?
If your client is often on the go, there are a variety of branded products that could be on the go with them:
No. 3 – Promotional Products as Thank You Gifts for Top Clients
Showing your appreciation never, ever goes out of style. Branded gifts of quality are not what many people think of when they want to show their appreciation for loyal business. Maybe that is because most people don’t think unique and quality when they think of promotional products – but you can get high quality at a reasonable price.
For instance …
Food and edibles such as steaks, brand name confections, cakes, cookies, and fruits
- Wines and spirits
- Executive sets including leather portfolios, high quality pen and pencil sets, or briefcases or messenger bags
- Technology devices and accessories such as speakers, charging stations, cameras, drones, earbuds
No. 4 – Promotional Products for Employee Motivation, Incentives, and Gifts
There are so many options to use promotional products for employees, that I can’t cover them all, but here are a few.
Rewards and recognition – Yes, you could have engraved plaques and trophies, but you could also have a certain gift tied to recognition, too. For instance, when recognizing loyal service for a set number of years you could reward your employee with a high-quality tote or bag after their first year of service. For two years, a journal or portfolio, and for five years you might reward them with a Bluetooth speaker or other technology accessory.
Contests – Whatever contest you can devise, you can find prizes that fit the results – and even the season of the year! For a summer contest you could have beach towels, sunglasses, BBQ sets, lawn chairs, and even cabanas and coolers as prizes. Another idea is for each participant to rack up “points” that they can spend in a store you have set up that includes gifts of all sorts in all different levels. That way they can “purchase” what they want from the points they have earned.
Appreciation Gifts – Employees might not admit it, but they appreciate it when they are gifted with even a small token of quality that if functional. For instance, getting a personal padfolio on their birthday might seem like a small thing, but you might surprised who excited they get being recognized, valued, and appreciated.
No. 5 – Promotional Products at Community Events, Conferences and Conventions
Whenever you attend an event as a sponsor or in a booth, that is the time to get creative. Your business will be one of many, no doubt, so you must make sure that you stand out!
For instance, if the event is for breast cancer awareness, provide a themed item that will be kept such as an information booklet, Women’s Health Planner, or a bookmark. Or, if the event is a fire safety event for families, give away jar openers with your local fire department’s info (and your brand, too!).
Sponsoring an event for a pediatric cancer charity? Give away plush animals for children. Every child loves stuffed animals and every parent loves to see a smile on their child’s face.
Of course, pens, post-its and calendars are always great give-aways for the general public.
You see, there are many ways to use promotional products for marketing your business – and this just touches the proverbial tip of the ice berg. We haven’t even gotten into the creative and fun types of uses. If you can imagine it, we can make it happen, I’m pretty sure.
The bottom line for promotional products is that you use them to create a good feeling and goodwill with your employees, clients, and prospects.
Remember what Maya Angelou said,
“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”
Turn your promotional product giving into gifts that make the recipients feel good so they will remember.
Call us at NuMedia Marketing at 317.563.7235 and let’s figure out what it is you can do to create some great memories!